Homework for Lesson Introduction to Assessment in Learning 1: Issues Related to the Assessment of Students Learning.

Assignments for lesson "Issues Related to the Assessment of Students Learning"

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Writing Skills Practice Test

Activity: Essay Writing _
Topic: Introduction to Assessment in Learning 1: Issues Related to the Assessment of        
       Students Learning. 
1. Write own experience regarding the given topic. 
2. Determine level of writing skills of the students.
—————————————————————————————————————————— Answer the question (minimum of 100 words). As a college student, you underwent several assessments in basic education. Recall from your own personal experience an assessment that you think was truly inspiring or discouraging to you.      

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Solutions will be accepted between August 24, 2020 and August 28, 2020.

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Concept Analysis/Essay Writing

Topic:  Teachers’ Roles in Assessment of   Learner Objectives: Identify the teachers’ roles in assessment of learner. Reference: Rethinking Classroom Assessment with Purpose in Mind p.55 ___________________________________________________________ Assessment of learning affects students seriously. Teachers are expected and responsible to compute and report students’ learning accurately and fairly. The assessment should be based on evidence. The following are the roles of teachers in students’ assessment according to the book Rethinking Classroom Assessment with Purpose in Mind. ·         a rationale for undertaking a particular assessment of learning at a particular point in time ·         clear descriptions of the intended learning ·         processes that make it possible for students to demonstrate their competence and skill ·         a range of alternative mechanisms for assessing the same outcomes ·         transparent approaches to interpretation ·         public and defensible reference points for making judgement ·         transparent approaches to interpretation ·         descriptions of the assessment process ·         strategies for recourse in the event of disagreement about the decisions   Teachers, therefore, need training and support to enable them to make valuable assessment decisions, to provide quality feedback to learners, and to teach learners to receive feedback positively and use the information contained within it effectively to improve their work. This is the essence of the course Assessment of Learning 1.   Answer the question (minimum of 100 words). Teachers’ roles in the assessment of learners’ output or behavior play a vital part in the output as well as the well-being of the learner. How important are the roles of the teachers in students’ learning? (answer in 5-7 sentences)              

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Solutions will be accepted between August 24, 2020 and August 28, 2020.

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Concepts of Assessment

Objectives: Write an analysis based on the concepts presented about assessments. Reference: De Guzman, Estefania et al., Assessment of Learning 1 pp. 2-22 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ I.     Read the basic concepts and terminologies in assessment and answer the activity that follows. MEASUREMENT, TESTING, ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION At this point, we differentiate measurement, testing, assessment and evaluation. While some people use the terms interchangeably, they differ in terms of their purpose. MEASUREMENT Measurement comes from the Old French word measure which means “limit or quantity”. Basically, it is a quantitative description of an object’s characteristics or attribute. In Science, measurement is a comparison of an unknown quantity to a standard. There are appropriate measuring tools to gather numerical data on variables such as height, mass, time, temperature, among others. In the field of education, what do teachers measure and what instruments do they use? Teachers are particularly interested in determining how much learning a student has acquired compared to a standard (criterion) or in reference to others learners’ in a group (norm-referenced). They measure particular elements of learning like their readiness to learn, recall of facts, demonstration of specific skills, or their ability to analyze and solve applied problems. They use tools or instruments like test, orals presentations, written reports, portfolios, and rubric to obtain pertinent information. Among these, tests are the most pervasive. A quantitative measure like a score of 30 out of 50 in a written examination does not hold meaning unless interpreted. Measurement stops once a numerical value is ascribe. Making a value judgment belongs to evaluation. TESTING Testing is a formal, systematic procedure for gathering information (Russell & Alrasian, 2012). A test is a tool comprised of a set of questions administered during a fixed period of time under comparable conditions for all students (Miller, Linn & Gronlund, 2009). It is an instrument used to measure a construct and make decisions. Educational tests may be used to measure the learning progress of a student which is formative in purpose, or comprehensive covering a more extended time frame which is summative. Teachers score tests in order to obtain numerical descriptions of students’ performance. Examples of measures are raw scores and percentages obtained in tests. For example, Nico’s score of 16 or of 20 items in a completion type of quiz in Araling Panlipunan (Social Studies) is a measure of his cognitive knowledge on a particular topic. This indicates the he got 80% of the items correctly. This is an objective way of measuring a student’s knowledge of the subject matter. Another method is through perception which is less stable because of its subjectivity. For instance, a teacher can rate a student’s knowledge about history using a scale of 1 to 5. Subjective types of measurement are useful especially in quantifying latent variables like creativity motivation, commitment, work satisfaction, among others. Test are the most dominant form of assessment. The issue concerning its effectiveness to measure and effectively evaluate leaning is resolved if questions target and reflect learning outcomes and covers the different learning domains. Tests are traditional assessments. They may not be the best way to measure how much students have learned but they still provide valuable information about student learning and their progress. ASSESSMENT Assessment comes from the Latin word assidere which means “to sit beside a judge”. This implies that assessment is tied up with evaluation. Miller, Linn and Gronlund (2009) defined assessment as any method utilized to gather information about student performance. Black and William (1998, p. 82) gave a lengthier definition emphasizing the importance of feedback and signifying its purpose. They stated that assessment pertains to all “activities undertaken by teachers- and by their student in assessing themselves- that provide information to be used to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged.” This means that assessment data direct teaching in order to meet the needs of the students. It should be pointed out however, that assessment is not just about collecting data. These data are processed, interpreted and acted upon. They aid teachers to make informed decisions and judgment to improve teaching and learning. It is a continuous process used to identify and address problems on teaching methods, learning milieu, student mastery and classroom management. Hence, it is no surprise that assessment subsumes measurement and instigates evaluation. Tests are a form of assessment. However, the term ‘testing” appears to have a negative connotation among educators and somewhat threatening to learners. Thus, the term “assessment” is preferably used. While a test gives a snapshot of a student’s learning, assessment provides a bigger and more comprehensive picture. It should now be clear that not all assessment are tests. Although many educators are still focused on traditional tests, schools implementing an outcome-based teaching and learning (OBTL) approach are now putting more emphasis on performance tasks and other assessments like portfolios, observation, oral questioning and case studies for authentic assessment. There are non-test assessment techniques. EVALUATION Evaluation comes in after the data had been collected from an assessment task. According to Russell and Airasian (2012), evaluation is the process of judging the quality of performance or course of action. As what its etymology indicates (French word evaluer), evaluation entails finding the value of an educational task. This means that assessment data gathered by the teacher have to be interpreted in order to make sound decisions about students and the teaching-learning process. Evaluation is carried out both by the teacher and his/her students to uncover how the learning process is developing. II.      Rectify the following misconceptions. Explain in two to three sentences why they are incorrect. 1.        Assessment is ultimately for grading purposes. 2.       Student’s work should always be given a grade or mark.                                                    

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Solutions will be accepted between September 7, 2020 and September 11, 2020.

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Concepts of Assessment: Testing

Objectives: Write an analysis based on the concepts presented about assessments. Reference: De Guzman, Estefania et al., Assessment of Learning 1 pp. 2-7                          _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Research about important information about testing in assessment of learning. Don’t forget to cite your references and use your own words in defining the concepts. 1.    Testing 2.    Types of Tests A.   According to Mode of Response a.    oral test b.    written test c.    performance test B.   According to Ease of Quantification of Response a.  objective test b.  subjective test C.   According to Mode of Administration a.  individual test b.  group test D.   According to Test Constructor a.  standardized tests b.  non-standardized test E.   According to Mode of Interpreting Results a.  tests that yield norm-referenced interpretations b.  test that allow criterion-referenced interpretations F.    According to Nature of Answer a.  personality tests b.  achievement tests c.   intelligence tests d.  sociometric tests e.  trade or vocational tests 3.    Functions of Testing A.   Instructional Functions B.   Administrative Functions C.   Research and Evaluation D.   Guidance Functions        

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Solutions will be accepted between September 7, 2020 and September 11, 2020.

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Concepts of Assessment: Testing

Objectives: Write an analysis based on the concepts presented about assessments. Reference: De Guzman, Estefania et al., Assessment of Learning 1 pp. 2-7                          _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Research about important information about testing in assessment of learning. Don’t forget to cite your references and use your own words in defining the concepts. 1.    Testing 2.    Types of Tests A.   According to Mode of Response a.    oral test b.    written test c.    performance test B.   According to Ease of Quantification of Response a.  objective test b.  subjective test C.   According to Mode of Administration a.  individual test b.  group test D.   According to Test Constructor a.  standardized tests b.  non-standardized test E.   According to Mode of Interpreting Results a.  tests that yield norm-referenced interpretations b.  test that allow criterion-referenced interpretations F.    According to Nature of Answer a.  personality tests b.  achievement tests c.   intelligence tests d.  sociometric tests e.  trade or vocational tests 3.    Functions of Testing A.   Instructional Functions B.   Administrative Functions C.   Research and Evaluation D.   Guidance Functions        

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Solutions will be accepted between September 7, 2020 and September 11, 2020.

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