Assignments for lesson "3. New Technologies, Old Technologies and Millennials (with 2 Assignments)"
Assignment title and description | Solutions | Notes / Feedback | Discussion |
Assignment 3.1 - Write a 3-5 page site reviewAssignment 3.1 – Write a 3-5 page site reviewFile name: FamilyName-FirstName-ModuleCode-AssignmentNumber.doc Paper Size: A4 Margin: 1.5 inch on the left side; 1 inch on top, bottom, and right side Font Size: 12 Font Style: Arial Font Color: Black Spacing: 1.5 Spacing Site to be reviewed in relation to the module: |
None yet. |
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Assignment 3.2 - Write a 3-5 page site reviewAssignment 3.2 – Write a 3-5 page site reviewFile name: FamilyName-FirstName-ModuleCode-AssignmentNumber.doc Paper Size: A4 Margin: 1.5 inch on the left side; 1 inch on top, bottom, and right side Font Size: 12 Font Style: Arial Font Color: Black Spacing: 1.5 Spacing Site to be reviewed in relation to the module: |
None yet. |
None yet. |
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