Homework for Lesson 1.6. Basic Arithmetic

Assignments for lesson "1.6. Basic Arithmetic (with Assignment)"

Assignment title and descriptionSolutions Notes / Feedback Discussion

Assignment: Fundamentals of Programming and Database Theory (CAT2)

Assignment: Fundamentals of Programming and Database Theory (CAT2)

1. Open your downloaded and installed Code::Blocks IDE and compiler
2. Create a project with the Title “C++ Basic Project”
3. Apply the 1.3 Printing a Text lesson by putting whatever texts in your project.
4. Apply the 1.4 Comments lesson by putting whatever comments in your project.
5. Apply the 1.5 Variables lesson by putting whatever variables in your project.
6. Apply the 1.6 Basic Arithmetic lesson by putting whatever arithmetic in your project.
7. Make sure your project make sense with the combinations of the printing of texts, comments, variables, and basic arithmetic.
8. Build then run. Check if it works. If not, edit it to make it work. Repeat until your project works.
9. Zip or rar all of your files into 1 file then name it FamilyName_CAT2.zip or .rar then submit it here.

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