Hi! Great day! Welcome to this course. Thank you for taking an interest in this course. Learning from this course will help you become an IT Professional.
- A4 Size Google Docs then PDF
- Margins are 1.5 inches on the left, top and bottom sides and 1 inch on the right side
- Arial font style with 14 title page font size while the rest 12 font size
Task 1:
Look for an organization like a company, business, or barangay that has a problem that needs to be addressed right away with an IT system solution. Write its problem in details. Do not write about the IT system solution. Write it in at least 8 sentences. This will be your paper’s project context.
Task 2:
Think of an online IT system solution for your written problem then come up with a title. Put your title with the other details in this format:

Task 3:
Write your purpose and description in one heading but in two separate paragraphs. Write it in at least 8 sentences each paragraph. In the first paragraph, write what your online IT system is for and why did you come up with it. In the second paragraph, describe your online IT system.
Task 4:
Write your general objective in one sentence then list in bullet form 3-5 specific objectives. Each specific objective should start with “To …” and should not contain with a period. The specific objectives should be SMART which means it should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based.
Task 5:
Write your scope and limitations in one heading but in two separate paragraphs. Write it in at least 8 sentences each paragraph. In the first paragraph, write what is included in your online IT system while in the second paragraph, write what is not included in your online IT system.
Task 6:
Make a PowerPoint containing your five tasks. One task answer per slide. Emphasize on the need to fix the immediate problem of the organization you are conducting capstone with. Secure a schedule with your teacher to have an initial defense with the capstone panelists. If the panelist will not see and understand the need of it, you will not have a favorable initial defense result. Practice having your mock initial defense by giving roles to each of your member. One will be the reporter, another will be the mock panelist, and another will take down notes. With this you will come up with questions that the real panelist will ask later then you can prepare for the answer. Also, you will be able to see what you lack in your capstone with several practice. Furthermore, be on time for the initial defense. Test your laptop, power point presentation, internet connection, webcam, and audio. See to it that everything works before the start of the initial defense as it will affect the result. When starting, greet the panelists, introduce your groupmates and start with the capstone title. Speak in English. Be calm and smooth in presenting.
Task 1:
Edit your paper based on the feedback of the initial defense from CAP101. Solve the number of sample size or the number of respondents for your Survey Questionnaire by using the Slovin’s formula. Your Survey Questionnaires will be used for the customers or clients of the organization you are conducting your capstone with.
Task 2:
Create your Key Informant Interview (KII) Question List and should be at least 20 questions that will be used to ask the employees of the organization you are conducting your capstone with. Create your Survey Questionnaire that has many Likert Scale-based questions. The Likert Scale-based questions should be at least 20 and should be in even numbers such as 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, and so on.
Task 3:
Find two similar organization with the organization you are making your capstone. Put a Yes and No options before every number of your KII Question List then print this along with the Letter Permission to Validate and Certificate of Validation. Bring this to the similar organization and ask for permission for them to validate it. Do the same with the second similar organization. The templates are as follows:
Task 4:
After receiving the signed Letter Permission to Validate, Certificate of Validation, and checked KII Question List, do what is instructed in the Validity Testing Information file below and have the same format as the ValidityTesting.xlsx file:
Task 5:
After all the respondents have answered your Survey Questionnaire, do what is instructed in the Reliability Testing Information file below and have the same format as the ReliabilityTesting.xlsx file:
Task 6:
If the result of your Validity testing is below 0.60 and Reliability testing is below 0.60 then, revise your KII and Survey Questionnaire, respectively then subject it again starting from Task 2 with the same two similar organizations.
If the result of your Validity testing is at least 0.60 and Reliability testing is at least 0.60 then you can now start making your IT online system to address the immediate need based on your Capstone 1 paper and the answers of the KII and Survey Questionnaire.
Task 7:
If your IT online system is already working and presentable, prepare a power point for the final defense with the same capstone panelist from your Capstone 1 initial defense. Do the same in the Capstone 1 Task 6 but this time add your IT online system and have a demonstration after the power point presentation. Take note of all the feedback.
Task 8:
Improve your IT online system until all the functions are working and without any bugs based on the final defense feedback.
Edit your whole capstone paper based on the fully functioning and bug-free IT online system and defense feedback. It should contain the following:
Cover Page
Base this on CAP101 Task 2 sample but replace the “A Capstone…” and “In Partial…” with the school logo.
Declaration of Originality
Title Page
Base this on CAP101 Task 2 sample.
Approval Sheet
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Note: The images below are examples. The template should be copied but not the contents as there is a copyright to all of it by the research owner.
List of Figures, List of Tables, List of Notations

- Project context
- Purpose and description
- Objectives
- Scope and limitations

Review of Related Literature/Systems

Technical Background and Methodology:
- Requirements specification
- Analysis
- Design
- Development and testing
- Implementation plan (Infrastructure/Deployment)


- Relevant source code
- Evaluation tool
- Sample input/output/reports
- Users guide
- Curriculum vitae

Task 9:
Wait for the instruction from the Capstone Facilitator/Teacher to put your fully functioning and bug-free IT online system in a flash drive and hard book bind your full capstone paper.