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Search in Courses and Lessons in All courses 3 Year Diploma Automotive Engineering Technology (DAET) (1st Yr 1st Sem) [?] P 25348.71 3 Year Diploma Automotive Engineering Technology (DAET) (1st Yr 2nd Sem) [?] P 22559.73 3 Year Diploma Automotive Engineering Technology (DAET) (1st Yr Summer Class) [?] P 10938.98 3 Year Diploma Automotive Engineering Technology (DAET) (2nd Yr 1st Sem) [?] P 21165.24 3 Year Diploma Automotive Engineering Technology (DAET) (2nd Yr 2nd Sem) [?] P 23489.39 3 Year Diploma Automotive Engineering Technology (DAET) (2nd Yr Summer Class) [?] P 10938.98 3 Year Diploma Automotive Engineering Technology (DAET) (3rd Yr 1st Sem) [?] P 19770.75 3 Year Diploma Automotive Engineering Technology (DAET) (3rd Yr 2nd Sem) [?] P 10938.98 3 Year Diploma Hotel and Restaurant Technology (DHRT) (1st Yr 1st Sem) [?] P 18841.09 3 Year Diploma Hotel and Restaurant Technology (DHRT) (1st Yr 2nd Sem) [?] P 17446.60 3 Year Diploma Hotel and Restaurant Technology (DHRT) (1st Yr Summer Class) [?] P 10938.98 3 Year Diploma Hotel and Restaurant Technology (DHRT) (2nd Yr 1st Sem) [?] P 16052.11 3 Year Diploma Hotel and Restaurant Technology (DHRT) (2nd Yr 2nd Sem) [?] P 17446.60 3 Year Diploma Hotel and Restaurant Technology (DHRT) (2nd Yr Summer Class) [?] P 10938.98 3 Year Diploma Hotel and Restaurant Technology (DHRT) (3rd Yr 1st Sem) [?] P 13727.96 3 Year Diploma Hotel and Restaurant Technology (DHRT) (3rd Yr 2nd Sem) [?] P 16516.94 3 Year Diploma Information Technology (DIT) (1st Yr 2nd Sem) [?] P 17198.71 3 Year Diploma Information Technology (DIT) (1st Yr Summer Class) [?] P 10938.98 3 Year Diploma Information Technology (DIT) (2nd Yr 1st Sem) [?] P 18128.37 3 Year Diploma Information Technology (DIT) (2nd Yr 2nd Sem) [?] P 18593.20 3 Year Diploma Information Technology (DIT) (2nd Yr Summer Class) [?] P 10938.98 3 Year Diploma Information Technology (DIT) (3rd Yr 1st Sem) [?] P 18593.20 3 Year Diploma Information Technology (DIT) (3rd Yr 2nd Sem) [?] P 13480.07 3 Year Diploma Information Technology (DIT) (1st Yr 1st Sem) [?] P 18128.37 5-Months Teacher Certificate Program (TCP 24) P 16905.92 5-Months Teacher Certificate Program (TCP 30) P 19694.00 6-Months Caregiving NCII (786 hours) P 23170.64 Advance Database System (IM102) [3 units] P 1,394.49 Application Development and Emerging Technologies (CC106) [3 units] P 1,394.49 AutoCAD (Short Term) [3 units] P 1,394.49 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (New Curriculum) (1st Yr 1st Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (New Curriculum) (1st Yr 2nd Sem) [24 units] P 19305.92 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (New Curriculum) (1st Yr Summer Class) [9 units] P 12333.47 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (New Curriculum) (2nd Yr 1st Sem) [24 units] P 19305.92 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (New Curriculum) (2nd Yr 2nd Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (New Curriculum) (2nd Yr Summer Class) [9 units] P 12333.47 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (New Curriculum) (3rd Yr 1st Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (New Curriculum) (3rd Yr 2nd Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (New Curriculum) (3rd Yr Summer Class) [9 units] P 12333.47 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (New Curriculum) (4th Yr 1st Sem) [21 units] P 17911.43 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (New Curriculum) (4th Yr 2nd Sem) [21 units] P 17911.43 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (Old Curriculum) (1st Yr 1st Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (Old Curriculum) (1st Yr 2nd Sem) [24 units] P 19305.92 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (Old Curriculum) (1st Yr Summer Class) [9 units] P 12333.47 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (Old Curriculum) (2nd Yr 1st Sem) [24 units] P 19305.92 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (Old Curriculum) (2nd Yr 2nd Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (Old Curriculum) (2nd Yr Summer Class) [9 units] P 12333.47 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (Old Curriculum) (3rd Yr 1st Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (Old Curriculum) (3rd Yr 2nd Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (Old Curriculum) (3rd Yr Summer Class) [9 units] P 12333.47 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (Old Curriculum) (4th Yr 1st Sem) [21 units] P 17911.43 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (Old Curriculum) (4th Yr 2nd Sem) [21 units] P 17911.43 Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration (1st Yr 1st Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration (1st Yr 2nd Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration (1st Yr Summer) [9 units] P 12333.47 Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration (2nd Yr 1st Sem) [25 units] P 19770.75 Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration (2nd Yr 2nd Sem) [25 units] P 19770.75 Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration (2nd Yr Summer) [9 units] P 12333.47 Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration (3rd Yr 1st Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration (3rd Yr 2nd Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration (3rd Yr Summer) [6 units] P 10938.98 Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration (4th Yr 1st Sem) [20 units] P 17446.60 Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration (4th Yr 2nd Sem) [13 units] P 14192.79 BS Accountancy (BSA) (1st Yr 1st Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 BS Accountancy (BSA) (1st Yr 2nd Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 BS Accountancy (BSA) (2nd Yr 1st Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 BS Accountancy (BSA) (2nd Yr 2nd Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 BS Accountancy (BSA) (3rd Yr 1st Sem) [27 units] P 20700.41 BS Accountancy (BSA) (3rd Yr 2nd Sem) [24 units] P 19305.92 BS Accountancy (BSA) (3rd Yr Summer Class) [6 units] P 10938.98 BS Accountancy (BSA) (4th Yr 1st Sem) [24 units] P 19305.92 BS Accountancy (BSA) (4th Yr 2nd Sem) [12 units] P 13727.96 BS Business Administration major in Digital Marketing (BSBA-DM) (1st Yr 1st Sem) [29 units] P 21630.07 BS Business Administration major in Digital Marketing (BSBA-DM) (1st Yr 2nd Sem) [29 units] P 21630.07 BS Business Administration major in Digital Marketing (BSBA-DM) (2nd Yr 1st Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 BS Business Administration major in Digital Marketing (BSBA-DM) (2nd Yr 2nd Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Business Administration major in Digital Marketing (BSBA-DM) (3rd Yr 1st Sem) [21 units] P 17911.43 BS Business Administration major in Digital Marketing (BSBA-DM) (3rd Yr 2nd Sem) [21 units] P 17911.43 BS Business Administration major in Digital Marketing (BSBA-DM) (3rd Yr Summer) [6 units] P 10938.98 BS Business Administration major in Digital Marketing (BSBA-DM) (4th Yr 1st Sem) [18 units] P 16516.94 BS Business Administration major in Digital Marketing (BSBA-DM) (4th Yr 2nd Sem) [18 units] P 16516.94 BS Business Administration major in Financial Management (BSBA-FM) (1st Yr 1st Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Business Administration major in Financial Management (BSBA-FM) (1st Yr 2nd Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Business Administration major in Financial Management (BSBA-FM) (2nd Yr 1st Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Business Administration major in Financial Management (BSBA-FM) (2nd Yr 2nd Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Business Administration major in Financial Management (BSBA-FM) (3rd Yr 1st Sem) [18 units] P 16516.94 BS Business Administration major in Financial Management (BSBA-FM) (3rd Yr 2nd Sem) [15 units] P 15122.45 BS Business Administration major in Financial Management (BSBA-FM) (4th Yr 1st Sem) [15 units] P 15122.45 BS Business Administration major in Financial Management (BSBA-FM) (4th Yr 2nd Sem) [6 units] P 10938.98 BS Business Administration major in Human Resource Development Management (BSBA-HRDM) (1st Yr 1st Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Business Administration major in Human Resource Development Management (BSBA-HRDM) (1st Yr 2nd Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Business Administration major in Human Resource Development Management (BSBA-HRDM) (1st Yr Summer Class) [9 units] P 12333.47 BS Business Administration major in Human Resource Development Management (BSBA-HRDM) (2nd Yr 1st Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Business Administration major in Human Resource Development Management (BSBA-HRDM) (2nd Yr 2nd Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Business Administration major in Human Resource Development Management (BSBA-HRDM) (2nd Yr Summer Class) [9 units] P 12333.47 BS Business Administration major in Human Resource Development Management (BSBA-HRDM) (3rd Yr 1st Sem) [18 units] P 16516.94 BS Business Administration major in Human Resource Development Management (BSBA-HRDM) (3rd Yr 2nd Sem) [15 units] P 15122.45 BS Business Administration major in Human Resource Development Management (BSBA-HRDM) (3rd Yr Summer Class) [9 units] P 12333.47 BS Business Administration major in Human Resource Development Management (BSBA-HRDM) (4th Yr 1st Sem) [15 units] P 15122.45 BS Business Administration major in Human Resource Development Management (BSBA-HRDM) (4th Yr 2nd Sem) [6 units] P 10938.98 BS Business Administration major in Operation Management (Cooperative) (BSBA-OM) (1st Yr 1st Sem) [29 units] P 21630.07 BS Business Administration major in Operation Management (Cooperative) (BSBA-OM) (1st Yr 2nd Sem) [29 units] P 21630.07 BS Business Administration major in Operation Management (Cooperative) (BSBA-OM) (2nd Yr 1st Sem) [29 units] P 21630.07 BS Business Administration major in Operation Management (Cooperative) (BSBA-OM) (2nd Yr 2nd Sem) [29 units] P 21630.07 BS Business Administration major in Operation Management (Cooperative) (BSBA-OM) (3rd Yr 1st Sem) [27 units] P 20700.41 BS Business Administration major in Operation Management (Cooperative) (BSBA-OM) (3rd Yr 2nd Sem) [27 units] P 20700.41 BS Business Administration major in Operation Management (Cooperative) (BSBA-OM) (3rd Yr Summer) [9 units] P 12333.47 BS Business Administration major in Operation Management (Cooperative) (BSBA-OM) (4th Yr 1st Sem) [27 units] P 20700.41 BS Business Administration major in Operation Management (Cooperative) (BSBA-OM) (4th Yr 2nd Sem) [27 units] P 20700.41 BS Elementary Education (Gen Ed) (BEEd) (1st Yr 1st Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 BS Elementary Education (Gen Ed) (BEEd) (1st Yr 2nd Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 BS Elementary Education (Gen Ed) (BEEd) (2nd Yr 1st Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Elementary Education (Gen Ed) (BEEd) (2nd Yr 2nd Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Elementary Education (Gen Ed) (BEEd) (3rd Yr 1st Sem) [24 units] P 19305.92 BS Elementary Education (Gen Ed) (BEEd) (3rd Yr 2nd Sem) [24 units] P 19305.92 BS Elementary Education (Gen Ed) (BEEd) (4th Yr 1st Sem) [6 units] P 10938.98 BS Elementary Education (Gen Ed) (BEEd) (4th Yr 2nd Sem) [6 units] P 10938.98 BS Hospitality Management (BSHM) (1st Yr 1st Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Hospitality Management (BSHM) (1st Yr 2nd Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Hospitality Management (BSHM) (2nd Yr 1st Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Hospitality Management (BSHM) (2nd Yr 2nd Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Hospitality Management (BSHM) (3rd Yr 1st Sem) [21 units] P 17911.43 BS Hospitality Management (BSHM) (3rd Yr 2nd Sem) [24 units] P 19305.92 BS Hospitality Management (BSHM) (4th Yr 1st Sem) [21 units] P 17911.43 BS Hospitality Management (BSHM) (4th Yr 2nd Sem) [6 units] P 10938.98 BS Information Technology (BSIT) (1st Yr 1st Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Information Technology (BSIT) (1st Yr 2nd Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Information Technology (BSIT) (2nd Yr 1st Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 BS Information Technology (BSIT) (2nd Yr 2nd Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 BS Information Technology (BSIT) (3rd Yr 1st Sem) [24 units] P 19305.92 BS Information Technology (BSIT) (3rd Yr 2nd Sem) [21 units] P 17911.43 BS Information Technology (BSIT) (3rd Yr Summer Class) [6 units] P 10938.98 BS Information Technology (BSIT) (4th Yr 1st Sem) [6 units] P 10938.98 BS Information Technology (BSIT) (4th Yr 2nd Sem) [9 units] P 12333.47 BS Secondary Education (English) (BSEd) (1st Yr 1st Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 BS Secondary Education (English) (BSEd) (1st Yr 2nd Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 BS Secondary Education (English) (BSEd) (1st Yr Summer Class) [9 units] P 12333.47 BS Secondary Education (English) (BSEd) (2nd Yr 1st Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 BS Secondary Education (English) (BSEd) (2nd Yr 2nd Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 BS Secondary Education (English) (BSEd) (2nd Yr Summer Class) [9 units] P 12333.47 BS Secondary Education (English) (BSEd) (3rd Yr 1st Sem) [27 units] P 20700.41 BS Secondary Education (English) (BSEd) (3rd Yr 2nd Sem) [24 units] P 19305.92 BS Secondary Education (English) (BSEd) (3rd Yr Summer Class) [9 units] P 12333.47 BS Secondary Education (English) (BSEd) (4th Yr 1st Sem) [6 units] P 10938.98 BS Secondary Education (English) (BSEd) (4th Yr 2nd Sem) [6 units] P 10938.98 BS Secondary Education (Math) (BSEd) (1st Yr 1st Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 BS Secondary Education (Math) (BSEd) (1st Yr 2nd Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 BS Secondary Education (Math) (BSEd) (1st Yr Summer Class) [9 units] P 12333.47 BS Secondary Education (Math) (BSEd) (2nd Yr 1st Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Secondary Education (Math) (BSEd) (2nd Yr 2nd Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Secondary Education (Math) (BSEd) (2nd Yr Summer Class) [9 units] P 12333.47 BS Secondary Education (Math) (BSEd) (3rd Yr 1st Sem) [25 units] P 19770.75 BS Secondary Education (Math) (BSEd) (3rd Yr 2nd Sem) [25 units] P 19770.75 BS Secondary Education (Math) (BSEd) (3rd Yr Summer Class) [9 units] P 12333.47 BS Secondary Education (Math) (BSEd) (4th Yr 1st Sem) [6 units] P 10938.98 BS Secondary Education (Math) (BSEd) (4th Yr 2nd Sem) [6 units] P 10938.98 BS Tourism Management (BSTM) (1st Yr 1st Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Tourism Management (BSTM) (1st Yr 2nd Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Tourism Management (BSTM) (2nd Yr 1st Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Tourism Management (BSTM) (2nd Yr 2nd Sem) [23 units] P 18841.09 BS Tourism Management (BSTM) (3rd Yr 1st Sem) [24 units] P 19305.92 BS Tourism Management (BSTM) (3rd Yr 2nd Sem) [24 units] P 19305.92 BS Tourism Management (BSTM) (4th Yr 1st Sem) [21 units] P 17911.43 BS Tourism Management (BSTM) (4th Yr 2nd Sem) [6 units] P 10938.98 BT Livelihood Education (Home Economics) (BTLEd) (1st Yr 1st Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 BT Livelihood Education (Home Economics) (BTLEd) (1st Yr 2nd Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 BT Livelihood Education (Home Economics) (BTLEd) (1st Yr Summer Class) [9 units] P 12333.47 BT Livelihood Education (Home Economics) (BTLEd) (2nd Yr 1st Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 BT Livelihood Education (Home Economics) (BTLEd) (2nd Yr 2nd Sem) [26 units] P 20235.58 BT Livelihood Education (Home Economics) (BTLEd) (2nd Yr Summer Class) [9 units] P 12333.47 BT Livelihood Education (Home Economics) (BTLEd) (3rd Yr 1st Sem) [27 units] P 20700.41 BT Livelihood Education (Home Economics) (BTLEd) (3rd Yr 2nd Sem) [27 units] P 20700.41 BT Livelihood Education (Home Economics) (BTLEd) (3rd Yr Summer Class) [9 units] P 12333.47 BT Livelihood Education (Home Economics) (BTLEd) (4th Yr 1st Sem) [6 units] P 10938.98 BT Livelihood Education (Home Economics) (BTLEd) (4th Yr 2nd Sem) [6 units] P 10938.98 Capstone Project 1 (Research) (Cap101) [3 units] P 1,394.49 Capstone Project 2 (Research) (Cap102) [3 units] P 1,394.49 Caregiving (NC II) (6 months) [Weekday Class] P 8150 Caregiving (NC II) (6 months) [Weekend Class] P 8150 Data Structure and Algorithm (CC104) [3 units] P 1,394.49 Elective 2: Event Driven Programming (Elec2) [3 units] P 1,394.49 Elective 4: Platform Technologies (Elec4) [3 units] P 1,394.49 Enterprise Web Applications (IT7) [3 units] P 1,394.49 For Testing Purpose Only: Do Not Enroll P1.00 Fundamentals of Database System (IM101) [3 units] P 1,394.49 Fundamentals of Programming and Database Theory (CAT2) [6 units] P 2,788.98 Human Computer Interaction 2 (HCI102) [3 units] P 1,394.49 Information Assurance Security 1 (IAS101) [3 units] P 1,394.49 Junior High School P 15300.00 Living in the IT Era (IT01/GE3/SS5) [3 units] P 1,394.49 Old - Living in the IT Era (IT01/GE3/SS5) [3 units] P 1,394.49 OOP/Elective 3/Object-Oriented Programming (OOP/Elec3/IT504) [3 units] P 1,394.49 Senior High School P 20000.00 Test Only, Do Not Enroll This Course P 0.00 Test Only, Do Not Enroll This Course P 1.00 Total Enrollment Fee Excluding Tuition Fee P 8,150 Two-Year Practical Nursing (PN) (2nd Yr 1st Sem) [39 Units] P 26278.37 Two-Year Practical Nursing (PN) (2nd Yr 2nd Sem) [35 Units] P 24419.05 Two-Year Practical Nursing or One-Year Health Care (PN/HC) (1st Yr 1st Sem) [37 Units] P 25348.71 Two-Year Practical Nursing or One-Year Health Care (PN/HC) (1st Yr 2nd Sem) [39 Units] P 26278.37 Web Development/Elective 1/Web System and Technologies (WebDev/Elec1/IT503) [3 units] P 1,394.49 All lessons This content is for logged in users. Agreement or Terms and Conditions My Certificates: This content is for logged in users. My Gradebook Select course: - please select - Fundamentals of Database System (IM101) [3 units] P 1,394.49